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Writer's picturePhil Seddon

Back up into the Alps to ski (Day 15)

Well it was supposed to be an early start today to get back up into the Alps to ski. I started to prepare the truck for off and we got talking to a group of lads from Belgium who have been skiing the whole season, since the beginning of November in a super little black camper and a purple Nissan car. We invited them into the truck for coffee and chatted about life, skiing and camping for a couple of hours.

We then headed around Annecy and up the valley towards La Cluzas we needed some supplies and found an Inter-marche. You don't get a view like that at our Asda.

Since setting out we have had very few problems with the truck but the cooker ignition had given up the ghost, I bought some matches from the Inter-marche to solve the problem then a few miles up the road spotted an electrical shop. I removed the offending switch and headed in looking for a new one, the two guys didn't speak a word of English and didn't have a replacement. They did however take the switch upstairs and returned after five minutes and pronounced in stereo - repair. I thanked them and they refused to take any money, I returned to the truck, re fitted the switch and it now works perfectly. How they managed it I don't know as it is a sealed unit -magic electricians reside in this valley!!

I pressed on up the valley and the road got interesting.

When I ended up at the top of the closed Aravis pass it was spectacular - I even got the tyres dirty. We had coffee - the best thing to do after an eyeballs out drive - then decided to go for a walk up the path. The path soon ran out but the sun started to shine.

You will see in this blog that my never ending supply of Wanderers shirts will get everywhere.

We were passed by a horse and sled, they didn't stop to give us a lift - but we made it to the top of the first hill nevertheless.

This valley is renowned for ski mountaineering and right on cue three guys passed us. Back at the bottom there was a small frommagerie making and selling fresh goats cheese. So fresh you could smell the goats.....I got one with lime and herbs.

Fish for tea - I can't wait to ski again tomorrow. The truck has made it well above the snow line without a problem - how anyone got that fiesta up here I just don't know.



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