Woke up to the sound of the river running by the truck and the sight of some beautiful little birds whirling and diving so fast I couldn't photograph them.
The mighty Loire is tiny up here. After a trip to the boulangerie for breakfast we had a little walk around Coubon which is a nice little village with a beautiful church the front of which was started in 1100 the pillars still exist and has been added to as the village has grown, always using the same local stone. We drove in the vague direction of Millau through stunning scenery until we got to Mende, which looked like a good place for lunch.
We parked up right at the side of the river and next to a superb bridge. Then after lunch went into the town for a walk around. I loved the photos of places that still exist.
Mende has of course got the obligatory over sized church. Then on to Millau.